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【医療業界の転職マーケット】第3回 たった1回、30分のミーティングから生まれる無限の可能性

2008年05月29日 (木)

マット・カー氏(Matt Kerr)
(イーストウエストコンサルティング株式会社 コンサルタント)





 私は最適な方々を発掘すべく、早速自分の人脈を活用してサーチを開始しました。沢山の方々と面接を行いましたが、クライアントのめがねに適うような方は中々出会えません。が、サーチを続けるうち、まさにクライアントのニーズを満たすに最適であろうと思われる方の噂を耳にするようになりました。よし!と心の中で喜びの声をあげ、その方(Aさんと呼ぶことにしましょう)と面接を行うためにさっそく電話で連絡をとりました。しかし、せっかくお電話をいただいたのですが、現在の仕事で満足しており、転職機会については全く興味がないため、面接に関してはご遠慮させていただきます、と断られてしまいました。電話を切ったあと、どうしてAさんはキャリアアップの機会に関する話を聞きたくないのだろうかとあれこれ推測しました。私が是非お会いしたいという真意が分からなかったのだろうか?または電話したときたまたまお忙しかったのだろうか?はたまた多くの方々がそうであるように、私の仕事について、またたった一回の面接がAさんのキャリアをどれだけ左右するのかということを理解出来なかったのだろうか? と。





 話をまとめますと、Aさんはクライアントと会い、お互いにとても好印象を得、数回のミーティングの後、Aさんは晴れてクライアント企業に入社しました。 現在はAさんもクライアントもとても満足されており、私との最初の30分ミーティングが大きな利益を生み出したわけです。双方とも私のサポートに対しとても感謝しているといわれました。


1) 我々とのミーティングはオープンな気持ちで臨んでください。 いかなるコミットメントもありません。
2) 現在の仕事に満足されていることは大変素晴らしいことですが、今よりより良い機会がないということではありません。
3) EWCのコンサルタントは日々医療業界のキャンディデートの方々とお会いしており、今市場で何が起きているかを把握しており、また企業やキャリアチャンスについても優れた情報を持っています。
4) あなた自身がご自分のキャリアの展開について積極的に責任を持たなくてはなりません。他の誰も責任をもってはくれません。
5) 私たちとの30分ミーティングであなたが得られるもの・・・それはあなた自身のキャリアに関してより良く学べるチャンス、現在の市場状況、平均給与等の情報、そしてあなたが属する業界の雇用傾向等、たくさんのことがあります。
6) 私たちとの30分ミーティングであなたが無くすもの・・・ あなたの(我々に関する)誤解のみで、それ以外はなにもありません。

Infinite Possibilities stemming out of a single, 30-minute meeting

Thank you for taking the time to read through this now regular feature on yakuji website. Our aim is to provide you with information that will inform, educate, and enlighten. We are hoping that people will be more proactive in achieving their career goal and help them to gain the skills to make smart business choices.

Usually in this segment we look to provide information about the medical climate today; tracking changes and commenting on trends that affect us all. However for this entry I would like step away from that to talk to you about a recent experience I had, I hope you will find it interesting.

Around one year ago one of my good clients contacted me with a new position that was created a result of continuing growth in their company. This was a high level position which my client had given exclusively to me. Many times EWC is given exclusive searches by clients because they trust us and know that we find the best candidate for their business needs

Because I have a very close relationship with my client, I understand their needs, and what type of person they required for this assignment. I knew that even though there are people doing this position in every company the reality was that only a very few people possessed the skill set to meet the requirements for my client.

I began my search by working through my network to find suitable people. I met with many good people for the role, but none of them were quite what my client was looking for. As I continued the search I heard many talk of a person who could be a very good match for my client. Great I though to myself, I called them up and invited them to meet with me. I was thanked for calling, promptly told that they were happy and had no interest to meet with me to hear about this opportunity. I went back and contemplated about possible reasons why would they not want to hear about this career advancing opportunity. Was it because they did not understand why I wanted to meet with them? Was it a bad time when I called them? Or was it because they, like many people confused about what I do and what a meeting with us can offer their career?

Getting back to the story, not wanting this highly skilled individual get away I decided to and try again. This time I sent an email, explained who I am, and explain to them I understood that they were happy at their job, but they should still take that 30minutes to meet with me to hear more about this position. I made sure that they were aware that meeting with meant no commitment to this position or to my client, it was simply a chance to exchange some information. Two days later I received a short reply form this person agreeing to meet with me.

We met later that week and had a really good meeting. I talked through the process of how we work, heard more about their career, and what they were looking to achieve. After that I discussed my client and the position. As I suspected the position looked like a very good match for both what my client and candidate were seeking. Therefore the next step was of course arrange a meeting with the client, but when I suggested it they said that while this is a fantastic chance they do not thing that they will meet. They thought that a meeting with them was too much because they did believe that this company would be interested in them, if they had the required skills, and not sure if they wanted to change their job.

For this reason this is exactly why they need to meet with the company. Too many time people think that because they meet with company that automatically means if the company is interested in them they must change their job. I always stress to the people that I work with that meeting with a company is just as much about them evaluating the company and finding out if the position is right for them as much as it is abut the company doing the same. Too often people forget that it is a two way thing. A first meeting is just a chance to asses if there is a common interest, nothing more.

Anyway to cut a long story short the person met with my client, both parties really liked each other and after a series of meetings the person joined. Currently they are still very happy and enjoying the benefits that he received as a result of meeting with me for that 30mins. Both my client and candidate were very thankful for my assistance.

So just quick summary of key points to gain from this story;

1) Being open to a meeting with us does not mean any commitment
2) Being happy in a job is great, but that does not meat that there are not better options out there for you
3) Consultants at EWC meet people in the medical industry daily, we hear what is happening in the market, and have good information regarding companies, and advancing careers
4) If you are not the one taking active responsibility of your career progression chances are that no one is!
5) What you have to gain by spending 30 minutes to come in and talk with us; learning more about you own career, happenings , salary averages, and employment trends for your industry
6) What you have to loose by speaking with us; nothing, except your misconceptions

連載 医療業界の転職マーケット



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